5 Things to Consider When Upgrading Your Windows

New windows can alter your property’s appearance, thermal efficiency, safety, and value. If your current windows appear unsightly, are lowering your home’s temperature, or don’t complement its architectural design, you might need to replace them with higher quality alternatives.

Before installing the first design that matches your needs, there are some factors to take into account to protect your property, comfort, and finances. Here are five things to consider when upgrading your windows.

  1. The Window Material

The window material you choose can change your property’s appearance and determine its function. If you are looking for a cheap, white option, PVCu windows are an ideal choice. However, they often lack the style, strength, and character of timber windows, which are sustainable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing. If you are lucky enough to live in a period property, country cottage, or a Georgian townhouse, reach out to Home Counties Joinery to learn about their timber options, such as casement and sash windows.

  1. Energy Efficiency

If your current windows are cold and draughty, it is time to upgrade them with more energy-efficient alternatives. Most modern window materials provide excellent thermal efficiency, including timber and PVCu. However, timber is an ideal choice for creating a cosy property, as it is a naturally warm material, as well as a low thermal conductor.

Also, experienced joiners will know how to install them to avoid cold spots, which will help your home remain warm and inviting. As brand-new windows will prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering your home, they can take the pressure off your boiler.

  1. The Style and Shape

Transform the look and feel of your home by introducing brand-new windows in an alternative shape and size. A larger window will allow more natural light to flow through your home, which can improve your interior design and boost your property’s kerb appeal. Various designs are available to suit different needs and architectural styles, such as sash windows, casement windows, and shutters.

  1. Security Glass

The glass you choose can determine your security and warmth inside the home. Standard double glazing is often safe and protective, but you can upgrade to laminated or toughened glass.

Laminated glass is held together with interlayers, which will prevent shattering and increase safety. Yet, toughened glass is less likely to break than standard glazing, as it is treated with heat and will break into chunks if broken.

However, if noise pollution is a problem in your home, acoustic glass might be a better alternative.

  1. Planning Permission

Many homeowners will not need to apply for planning permission when replacing their windows, as it is often covered under Permitted Development (PD) rights. However, you may need to apply for planning consent if you live in a listed property, a conservation area, or your property is subject to local planning conditions.

If in doubt, contact your local council to learn about the types of alterations you can make to your property without planning permission.

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