
Completing a house move: How to deal with the clutter

Moving house can be a really exciting time. Getting a fresh start in a whole new location is great – but as well as the buzz of this time, you might also feel quite stressed.

One of the main causes of the strain can be excess clutter. But what can you do with this and make moving house a little bit easier?

Read on to find out more.

Focus on each room

If you find that your home feels overwhelmingly cluttered, don’t lose heart. Over time, it is easy for all of us to build up stuff we don’t actually need, as our requirements change. But a great way to tackle the clutter is to focus on one room at a time. Tackling your home in manageable sections makes it easier to get small wins – such as clearing out your closet and bedroom drawers, or work on your bathroom cabinets.

Check what works

An easy win with decluttering is to ensure that all electrical items or children’s toys are in good working order. You do not want to fill up your boxes and bags with any tech that is not in good working order – so throw it out rather than taking it with you. The same goes for items that no longer work for your family, such as items your children have grown out of.

Donate or sell

There is no need to throw everything in the skip! You can donate your old items to a worthy cause and feel great knowing you have passed your items along to a new life.

Of course, moving house is an expensive business. If you declutter far enough in advance, you could list your items on online selling sites and make a little extra money to fund your new adventure.

Check your paperwork

When you move, you often need to look over a lot of paperwork you wouldn’t usually see. So take this opportunity to check that all of your paperwork needs to be kept, and shred anything that doesn’t. Make sure to check it twice before you do so, but you’ll be surprised how much space you can make this way.

Store it

If you have small or large objects that you cannot part with, then it’s a great idea to put them in storage. This is especially useful if you have any possessions of sentimental value that you need to keep but do not need to look at every day. Choosing a quality storage facility such as Safestore means that you know your valuables will be kept safe, dry, and out of your way for as long as you need.

With these handy tips, hopefully, you will be able to declutter your space and create a more streamlined packing experience!

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